Saturday, December 14, 2013

手术中 The Kasai Procedure

坐在手术室外面的我们,起初就一如往常的谈下天,下楼买食物吃,期待着医生说的如果OTC成功清通的话,1个小时后就能看到宝贝了。可是随着1个小时过去后,原来的期待变了。大家都已经心里有数,我女儿可能在进行着Kasai手术。等着等着,终于有一位穿着手术服的人走了出来,说女儿“正在里面做着Kasai手术”,她已经被证实了是Biliary Atresia。她的gallbladder已经硬化而导致液体根本无法pump进去。


手术从早上10点进行到4点半,手术的主医生终于走出来了。医生说一切顺利,女儿的肝脏“看起来”他觉得是还满意,手术会进行得那么长时间是因为他们“take their time”,血管很细所以必须很小心处理。听到这一切后,我心安下来了,没有办法表达对医生的谢意,就一直笑着谢谢他。手术是完成了,女儿在里面被缝针着,估计还需要多40分钟,之后会送进PICU观察。

上楼上收拾一下全部的行李去车后,刚好赶上女儿被麻醉师推出来要去PICU的时候。女儿还靠着管子呼吸,喉咙被植入的直通肚子的管子,插着尿袋,双手双脚都吊着药。麻醉师说女儿stronger than we thought,她很快就清醒还会哭和动。女儿很乖,她真的遵守了约定,“我们等下见”的约定,平安的出来了。

手术后被推出来的女儿 ; She is heading to the PICU after her Kasai
25.11.13, 10am
We were sitting outside the operation theatre waiting to see our daughter hopefully after an hour. Waiting for the good news from surgeon saying that my daughter is not a Biliary Atresia. As time goes by, the smile on my face slowly fade away. There is a voice inside me telling me that she is probably doing that, Kasai, I just refuse to admit it. Till then, a nurse from the operation theatre walked out and inform us that our daughter is inside PERFORMING her kasai procedure. I cried like it is the end of the world. I was so afraid at that moment that I am going to lose her in this operation. The risks of the operation are just too scary for us.

The surgeon came out from the operation theatre at around 4:30pm. Everything went smooth and our daugter is fine, said surgeon. We could have see her 45 minutes later after they stitched up.

Finally she came out from the operation theatre. Her anesthetist told us that she is stronger than what they expected. "You are amazing kid, you made it, you did kept your promise with us that we are going to see each others soon. I am so proud of you."

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