Sunday, December 15, 2013

手术后 Post Kasai





一早,手术主医生就来巡访了,关心的是女儿排便了没。除了这个,医生说女儿的情况so far so good,要继续观察。这天,我向护士学习了怎样帮女儿擦身体,也第一次在手术后帮女儿穿上了衣服。目前等待的是女儿手术后的排便,观察会不会出现手术后的发烧。当天的晚上,女儿排便了,不过还是之前留下的宿便。

随着女儿越来越清醒,她的哭声也会因为饿而越来越强烈。可是医生还没允许她开始进食,所以我们只能尽力去安慰她。最后一次排便的颜色是很让on call医生满意,可是他们还是需要请示主医生才可以决定是否让宝宝开始进食。他们需要确保里面的接口愈合得比较好后,才让宝宝开始进食。


刚被转上6楼时,未能穿衣服 ; She just got transferred to 6th floor, can't put her clothe on yet

精神有比较好了 ; She look more awake now

让医生满意的粪便颜色 ; The stool which doctor feel ok with
start feeding后又变回之前的颜色了 ; The pale stool is back right after her 1st feeding

She will have to spend a night in PICU for observation.If her condition is good enough, they will probably transferred her out right after a day.

We were late to hospital cause we went back to the klinik kesihatan for her previous reports. When we reached PICU, they were about to transfer her to 6th floor. She still look "swollen" due to drip, but she can breath by her own now. There is a tube which connecting straight to her stomach made her lips look really dry. She still look tired after all, no strength and still losing her voice. But thats alright, you are doing great enough, take it slow baby.

The room in 6th floor is totally different comparing to 7th floor. There is no toilet and you are sharing a room with around 8-9 others patients.

First night taking care of her in 6th floor got scared by her 37.5 degree fever. I dare not sleep but just keep changing her forehead wet towel. Finally the fever came down.

Early morning, her surgeon came and ask if she pass motion yet. Surgeon said that my daughter is doing good. I learned how to clean her body from the nurse and this is the very first time we put her clothe on after the operation. We wait for her to pass motion and hopefully there is no fever for her. She finally pass motion during night time, but the color is still pale as last time.

She is getting more and more awake. She cried louder when she feel hungry. But she is still on fasting. The doctors need to make sure her inner wound heal before she is ready to be fed. Although the stool color did changed to darker.

Her surgeon finally allow her to start feeding. Beginning with 1oz and slowly increase the amount intake and notice if she will vomit after her feed. She can only take 2oz at the moment. Her stool back to her previous color, its killing for us to see the pale color stool again.

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