Sunday, February 9, 2014

Before and After




伤口已经愈合得很好了,疤痕也越来越淡了 ; Her wound healed good


It's been a while since the last update. My daughter is growing up and I'm seeing new things everyday. She can now roll her body over. It has become a challenge to me every time I change her diaper, because I have to constantly flip her back. She's has even learn to use her voice. I'm enjoying all these moments, just like an ordinary mother.
Earlier on, I was paranoid about the upcoming Chinese New Year because then there will be people who come for visit.
As I have some doubts about the steroid that she's taking, I brought her to hospital to find out if she needs to be taking it for so long. I'm glad I made this decision. Found out that she would only have to take steroid for two months. So from that day on, we stopped her steroid. This would also mean that she doesn't have to be quarantined during this CNY, and we could bring her out, still avoid too crowded places though.

The wound is healing and has become lighter now.

After two months, we finally see ray of hope.

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