She drank so little milk today (merely a mouthful), and is fed solely from the tube. I was relieved yesterday that she did not vomit, unfortunately, while I was waiting to meet the surgeon today, my husband texted me that she just vomited profusely. Though frantic to see her, I have to meet the surgeon first. He explained about the surgery and risks involved etc, and told me that I should start exercising. I thought to myself: absolutely, I will do more walking and taking the stairs, I can do it.
After meeting the surgeon, I was desperate to see my child. Just when I was back in the ward, doctors were doing tapping, removing excess fluid from her belly, by inserting needle in her belly button. While doctors were doing this, she did not cry at all. She must be really weak after vomiting. The excess fluid is yellow in color (as Adra's father already shared with us some info, we expected it). She's so weak that after the tapping, she fell asleep.
However, amid her sleep, she vomited again. The doctor said that we should try stop feeding her milk, and have further observation. She vomited a total of 4 times, and nurses changed the bed sheet, pillow and her clothes.
Next Monday will be my turn for the assessment, hope everything turns out well. And hope that after tapping, she will feel much better.
ReplyDeleteYin Sum 夫妇, 琬雯小宝宝。。主内平安, 全新的一天, 愿神赐宝宝刚强状胆的心, 平安的心。宝宝身体所承受的病痛都完全交托给神, 求神保守宝宝有个安稳的睡眠,看顾宝宝的身体可以吸取足够的营养, 帮助宝宝不再呕吐。
ReplyDelete感恩神赐Yin Sum夫妇坚强的心, 环境再困难, 都靠着主的大能勇敢面对。也求主怜悯,帮助宝宝和妈妈的一切健康评估顺利, 尽快和顺利的筹到所需的开支和费用。。神与你们同在, 阿门。
Yin Sum, 感恩你每次的分享, 让我能知道宝宝健康的进展。。谢谢你。。