Thursday, March 27, 2014

住院进展 - Hospitalization

今天早上手术医生来过,说孩子需要开始抽腹水和住院到她transplant为止。其实孩子的情况不是太坏,维持着那边。ultrasound显示她的血管有点太小,所以需要再进行ct scan。其他该做的assessment都做得7788了,现在等医生们商讨她的结果和安排我的assessment。


The surgeon visited this morning, and said that they would start doing tapping and she needs to be hospitalized until her transplant.
Her condition is quite stabilized. Ultrasound shows that her blood vessels are too small, so will need to do a ct scan. Her assessment is almost complete, we are now waiting for the results and my assessment next.

I'm under a lot of stress recently. I made the decision to stop further misunderstanding, and deleted all else except this blog, where I will update her conditions timely. I only want to give attention to my daughter. I'm immensely grateful to all kind souls who help us, and I know in my whole life I will not be able to repay all kindness. I will teach my daughter the preciousness of life, and her life is owing to all these kind people. 


  1. 妈妈,真的,嘴巴长在他人身上,我们不能控制!也无需在意别人的看法说话,毕竟他们不是我们,我们也不是他们。无法不在乎就不看不听,无法不看不听就看爽听爽后,就和身边人唠叨几句就忘了吧!就如马航事件,那些人不管事也在网上哭啸,骂天骂地,预测这样那样的…有些人,或许就是要在其他身上撒盐才会过得开心!您就看开点吧;-)笑笑!您不要删除太多,因为还有我这个观众丫^O^

  2. 妈妈~加油~一切都会好起来的~~!!加油~加油~

  3. Yin sum, 不要把FB关掉!刚才,Tiew在海外信息我,宝宝今天如何!我才发觉你管了FB, 我说,下午还看到的。我们好担心,你知道吗?很多很多FB朋友都在关心你,支持你!那些坏心肠,你就不要理会他们好了。要坚强,孩子需要你。我们也爱孩子。

  4. Hi Yin Sum, you can continue keep your facebook page running but just restrict people to comment on your page and only allow people to read, like, and share your update. So all the facebook followers can continue share you update in social media to help your child fundraising through Chinapress.

  5. 我们永远支持关心你和你的宝宝。。。。要坚强,加油x100.

  6. Ok ... we understand .. pls take care

  7. Dun worry, we will still continue help you and your daughter

  8. 给你一个结实的拥抱 ~hug, 加油!

  9. Why you want to let these people affect your mood? As long as you know what you are doing, just ignore those people. Explain once and enough, you still have many many people support and help you, so be strong! Even close FB will not stop these people lah but at the same time, you stop all the good concern from sincere poeple, please stay strong! Take Care!

  10. Update us every day regarding baby condition, we are really concern about her improvement. No wonder this morning I try for an hour cannot find Baby FB. We strongly support you.

  11. Yin Sum 夫妇, 琬雯小宝宝。。全新的一天,全新的你。。今天又是感恩的一天,因为小宝宝每天都有好的进展哦。。今天给家人一个爱的抱抱了吗?☺

    看着妈妈每次的分享, 深深感受到你们一家背负着的重担和压力。。加油。。希望你们能坚持下去。。因为你们并不孤单,我相信身边还有很多关心和爱你们的人。。

    我真心的希望Yin Sum 能重新开你的面子书, 因为很多人很关心你们一家。。每天"追踪"小宝宝的最新消息和为你们祈祷已成为我生活的一部分。。

    因为你的分享, 让我更加珍惜和我宝宝在一起的时间; 也让很多的父母亲了解什么是BA。。Yin Sum, 看见了吗? 因为你的分享, 祝福了很多的家庭。。不管如何, 我会尊重你的决定。。也会支持你。。

    求神为你们一家抵挡所有的恶言恶语, 为你们背负所有的重担。阿门。

  12. 怪不得在fb找不到了。妈咪,别去理那些吃饱撑着没事找事干的人。现阶段已孩子为重,其他人说的废话不用理,加油,妈咪。还有很多人在支持你和宝宝的

  13. 妈妈,我也是这几天看不到宝宝的网页,急死了,好彩透过朋友找到你们了,加油哦!我们的精神与你们同在。。
