Monday, December 23, 2013

急诊 Emergency

一如往常的,早上9点把老公叫醒准备宝贝的药,交手到我去休息一下。睡眼蒙蒙,老公叫我起来说要带宝贝去挂急诊。说刚才喂药的时候,其中vit K不小心overdose了,syringe塞着然后稍微用力后就直接喷很多出来,本应要吃0.1ml的,吃多了0.4ml,也来不及让宝贝吐出来,她吞了。


1点多等到2点多,女儿的case其实是排在“emergency”的category那边,可是医生好像“选择性”的跳过。更让我生气的是,我看到了其中一位医生拿起女儿的folder,然后说着“vitamin K overdose?”,问另一位医生的时候,那位医生的回答竟然是“so weird one?never mind, if you not sure you just leave it first.” 。WHAT THE X,那一排non emergency的folder已经没了1半,还是没轮到我们。看着当时的时间2.45pm,心想这个医生一定在等着换岗所以ignore我女儿的case,真的。

果然到了3点多,我看到另一个医生拿起了我女儿的folder,很快的,就叫我们进去检查了。在出来之前,有上网看了一下overdose vit K的后果,怕会照成血变稀,所以女儿是需要验血了。

在等待看医生的时候,被问了几次 “anak u nampak kuning lah” “kuning ke?”,现在的我们会回答说 “ en,dia liver ada problem sikit ” 。还是继续等待着女儿退黄的那一天到来。会的,一定会退黄的。

Monday, December 23, 2013


Rushed my daughter to hospital emergency this morning. While feeding her vit K medicine with syringe, my husband accidentally pushed the plunger too hard and fed her 0.4ml instead of 0.1ml dosage.
As it was in the morning, there were longer queue at emergency. We waited anxiously as being out here longer could mean higher chance of germs infection. The nurse took her weight, and it was 3kg. We were shocked. She couldn't have dropped so much weight. The second time, it showed 3kg again. My husband insisted that they restart the machine, and to our relieve, this time it's 4.8kg, same as last week.
Even though we were in the 'emergency' category, we had waited from 1pm to 2pm. It seemed like the doctors skipped our case. What enraged me was I saw a doctor picked up my daughter's folder, and asked another: vitamin K overdose?, the reply was: so weird one? Never mind, if you not sure you just leave it first. 
We waited so long and felt that they intentionally ignored our case because the doctor was waiting for the change of work shift.
Finally, at 3pm, a doctor picked up my daughter's folder, and very soon, called us. We had done some search earlier that vit K overdose might dilute the blood, so we expected a blood test. Sure enough, they draw her blood, and she cried so much. We were allowed to wait in the car and my husband would collect the blood test result 2 hours later. Again to our relieve, everything's fine and we could go home. 
During the wait, we were asked a few times about her jaundice. And we replied that her liver has little problem.
We will wait for her jaundice to subside, and the day she will be healthy again. 

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