Thursday, April 18, 2019

Happy 5th Liversary



4月5日,回去新加坡复诊拿之前的biopsy报告,做ultrasound,验血,一切看起来蛮顺利正常,医生们也很开心满意她的近况和血结果。让医生们给了我一份报告,隔天我们开开心心的带小妞去动物园玩了大半天后,就准备回Johor阿姨家拿东西。路途中我翻看了医生print的 biopsy报告,里面有些字有点把我吓到 , patchy fibrosis,fibrosis这个字眼,似乎不是好的现象。Goo了下,纤维化,虽然之前有听过医生解释并列出过的风险状况,但是当下看到这,内心翻了船般的无助,难受和生气。生气为什么团队连提都没提过报告内的东西,只是说现下是ok的,没什么。那天在车上,我被击垮了,是的,我难受地哭了。因为我知道如果fibrosis了,将来是有机率会演变成cirrhosis(少量的资料显示能逆转情况)。那天我用了从新加坡到johor的车程来发泄我的负能量,然后收拾好自己。继而地等待星期一的到来,星期一后我就可以问,问团队,问医生,需要怎么做。

谢谢一些朋友亲人们,你们在我负的时候没嫌弃我,你们捡起我,接受我的负,让我可以再站起来,走下去。谢谢J,你总像我的“flashlight”般,让我在黑暗里面能看到光明。谢谢E先生,你总是平静的跟我说"哦,医生说有些是这样,我们以乐观正念去面对” ,谢谢 C “好好的哭吧”。 嗯, 我好好地哭了,也好好地收拾好,再站起来继续面对。而且想起了,相信小妞,她能的。一路走来,被安排来的考验不少,她都一一走过了(还是笑着走过的)



你不是可怜的孩子,你是带着满满爱成长的孩子,虽然你皮了点,我凶了点,但是,别再怀疑你阿母对你的爱~ 我们一起加油


Friday, March 8, 2019

The 5th Year 5th Biopsy


3月5日,进院。被安排在中间跟其他newborn babies们一起在需被密切观察的病房内。陪着她一起去set line。一如往常,她还是需要大喊大哭一轮,直到set 好 line。(过程也有些哭笑不得) 也感恩这次的顺利,我几乎都能陪着她,没被请出去。回去病房等待半夜3点开始fasting期间,这小妞一直学其他newborn babies的哭声。(请原谅阿母那股强烈压抑想xx她的念头)

半夜3点,护士开始放drip,让我给她先喝点水。这妞怎样摇都不醒,勉强被我摇到哭闹才喝了一点点的水(错过这次喝水,下次恐怕会很渴leh)。早上7点,我就有预感这妞肯定早起床(上课天不起放假天却早起是一种要逼疯阿母的流行吗?)。就这样,重复哄,重复提醒,重复再promise,我们挨到了8点多挨到了护士说可以下去ultrasound了~~ Yay!感恩感恩,没delay太久,虽然ultrasound那边也需要等。约9点多,小妞进去ultrasound了,她觉得对方好像在骚她痒,一直狂笑,也一直说话,导致他们照了很久很久勉强拿了一小段blood flow的reading。aihz



麻药还没完全过,她人是迷糊但一直重复着吃的,她要candy,她要ice cream。这是她能说话后的第一句。回到病房,她想喝水,但是因为她还没完全清醒,她们不敢让她先喝。等着等着,她慢慢越说越多话,虽然还是有点迷糊,但是口齿算是很清晰。也慢慢开始给她喝水,刚好医院的午餐有ice cream,询问护士后也慢慢给她吃了些,结果她越吃越多。好不容易弄她睡了,我也倒了。睡醒后她总算更清醒了,也没呕吐,头疼来了,她不愿躺着休息(让她躺着不能起来,她哭得很伤心)。

做了很多医生也摇头的动作,跳下床,蹦蹦跳跳。aihz 妞,我是认真的,你这样,万一弄到的话,里面的伤口会出血的。

3月7日,可以出院了。伤口还有些肿(是正常的),需要时间修复。说好的一个星期不能跑跳,我真的怀疑能顺利完成吗?早日康复 妞

Hello 2019, it's our 5th year journey ( still counting for more ) . Things doesn't go as per planned. She has been coughing for almost 6 months, we've to delay our January biopsy plans because of that. Was thinking it will be good if the biopsy can be done before her school learning programs start. So that she won't miss out the fun learning with her classmates. Finally her cough recovered and we managed to get biopsy appointment set on March 6. Beyond the waiting-to-be-admit days, she looks like she is going to start coughing again. Please don't! >.<

March 5, we've been admitted to the middle ward with others newborn babies. I was with her when they got her IV line set. Ya, She cried and she screamed . Back to ward, she just couldn't stop pretending to cry like others newborn babies. -.-""

At 3 AM, nurse came to set up her drips, reminded me for her fasting. She refused to wake up for water, managed to feed her a lil but she got upset and cried. Like the usual "non-school" day, she woke up as early as 7 AM. T.T  You just don't want your mom to sleep any longer don't you. So, she started asking for foods and drink since then. 8:40 AM, we went down for ultrasound. Queued a lil while at the screening areas. She kept making noises and movement while they tried to get her flows reading. So it took quite some time to get the reading that they want.

10+ AM, we headed down to biopsy area. She got nervous and worried as if she could sense what's going happen. She wanted me to stay by her side. The doctors explained the risks and procedure, I signed the papers. They said I could stay by her side until her sedation meds kick in then I will have to move aside and wait. But who knows I ended up stayed throughout the whole procedure as she refused to close her eyes and sleep.

I saw how they cut a small hole and inserted smaller needle then follows by the longer needle to extract the tissue sample. I turned my face away as I couldn't bear to watch. They repeated the steps for a few times. Managed to get 3 samples from her.

She was really strong. Even though she was still under sedation, she still tried to talk to me. ".....candy, cream". She kept mumbling. After the biopsy procedure, they needed her to lay on her right side for few hours to put pressure on the biopsy side. She was under monitor for the next 24 hours as they worried if there is any bleeding and infection.

Back to ward, she was still not very conscious but kept asking for water and foods. Nurse allowed me to give her a lil waters following by a lil ice cream (just nice that our lunch have it). They needed her to be fully wake up from the sedation in order to eat. Gave her some foods and made her sleep. After some naps, she woke up looking more conscious. No vomiting no unwell. Then, she refused to lie down and rest anymore. Kept wanted to sit up and get down of the bed. She literally drove me crazy when she jumped down from the bed. It might cause the inner wound bleed. This girl reallyyyyyy...

March 7, discharged! A lil swollen at the biopsy area (which is normal), times are all it need. They said she couldn't run and jump for at least a week. I am not sure if she can keep her promise (She promised me and the doctors for "few times" saying that she wouldn't run and jump)

Speedy recovery , girl.

