Tuesday, January 21, 2014

第三次急诊 3rd Emergency

1个多小时后,终于到我们了,一轮嘴的告诉医生女儿的大便时水时硬,忘了提醒医生她做了kasai手术,听到医生八只耳朵。医生是在要检查她肚子的时候,一拉开衣服才知道了,哦,手术后的,难怪我说她明明是fully breastfeed的,为什么大便会硬的呢。

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

3rd Emergency

Rushed to hospital emergency for the third time because there was blood in her feces. There were many people at emergency today, so after registration and weight measurement, we waited in the car.
After waiting for more than an hour, it's finally our turn. As we were in panic, we forgot to mention that our daughter has undergone kasai surgery, it left the doctor confused. Only when the doctor pull up her shirt and saw the wound, he understood what we were trying to say. 
After checking on her, the doctor said that it should be due to small external wound, and not internal bleeding. 
He remarked that she's so active and happy, and doesn't seem like one who has undergone the kasai surgery, as compared to some other children he had seen before. 
And this casual remark truly cheers me up.

Gastroenterology复诊 - 1st time ; Gastroenterology follow up- 1st time

终于等到了gastro team的复诊天,很想知道女儿的进展。6点多就爬起来准备,到医院已经8点多,已经排在挺后了。跟医生的appointment是定在下午2点,早上需要先抽血去检验。今天女儿的心情特别好,抽血的时候完全没哭,就蠕动一下而已(因为被被单包着)。一如往常,抽了3瓶血。抽完血还早才9点多,就决定带女儿去剪头发,避免人潮,一开店就去剪就对了。可能抽完血比较累吧,一路上她就熟睡到目的地我叫醒她为止。

我们3人都理了发,回我家休息一会就倒回去医院再排队见医生。等了1个多小时,终于见到Dr Ng了。女儿的黄疸指数也明显下降了,虽然医生说她的进展有点慢,可是也不算太差,我们还有时间,再给点时间女儿,keep着follow up。总算开始看见点希望了,虽然先前看了不少让我心酸的例子。


Gastroenterology follow up- 1st time

Tuesday, Jan 21, 2014 

Finally the day of follow up with gastro team, we're so eager to know her progress. Our appointment with the doctor is at 2pm. We woke up at 6am to start preparation, and arrived at hospital at 8am to have her blood draw first. She seemed to be in good mood, she didn't cry while drawing her blood. It's all done at 9am. We decided to bring her to hairdresser as it's the shop opening hour, we could avoid the crowd. Perhaps due to the blood draw, she fell asleep and sleep all the way till we reached our destination. 
All 3 of us had our haircut and we went home to have a short rest before going to hospital again. After an hour's wait, we finally met Dr Ng. Her jaundice level has gone down. Her progress might be a little slow but an optimistic one. We have to give her a little more time, and keep follow up. Finally some good news that made us hopeful again. 
My dear child, you can do it. We have a long journey ahead of us, and I will stay by your side.